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Terry Moeller Talks Polytip

Terry Moeller and I met while traveling through Amsterdam. She is a gifted fine artist and SCAD professor with work featured in galleries and private collections. Her desire to share her gifts with others was a quality I very much admired when we met and I also adhere to the same idea of goal setting. Her work is a unique combination of 19th century landscapes combined with a contemporary feel. I asked Terry Moeller a few questions about her work and one of the brush lines she uses from Princeton.
You mentioned you liked our Catalyst Polytip Bristle brushes. What makes Catalyst Polytip unique?
As a long time user of natural bristle brushes, I had my reservations about synthetic hair brushes. After trying the Catalyst brushes, I am a convert. When using these brushes, I immediately noticed that they kept their shape while painting, allowing for greater control. These synthetic brush hairs mimic the hairs of natural bristle, but have much greater strength. I can be very hard on brushes with my painting techniques and Catalyst hold much better than natural bristle brushes. The Princeton flats and filberts have long fibers which add greater flexibility to the brushes. The rounds really hold their shape, allowing for greater control of details and mark-making. If you are painting in heavy body acrylics, the Catalyst brushes are great because these brushes keep their properties in water, unlike natural bristles. These brushes are very easy to clean whether you are using oil or acrylic.
What qualities make your art distinctively you? In my artwork, I focus on the light, color, pattern and rhythms found in nature. My techniques are historically based and I feel a kinship to 19th century landscape artists. However, I try to bring a modern sensibility to my landscape imagery.
Where do you create? I had a separate studio built in the backyard. It has studio, gallery space and storage racks.
When do you create? I make time most evenings and on the weekend when I am teaching. I have a lot of time to paint during the summer and winter breaks.
Do you sketch or keep an idea journal?Yes, I keep watercolor field books and a “kit” of watercolors, brushes and other supplies. I take these with me when I go to places like the beach or when traveling.
What do you do when you hit a creative block? Keep on working in spite of the block and don’t wait for inspiration is my advice to anyone who encounters this problem. Give yourself a project for a year. When you set goals for yourself, then you have direction and motivation. The inspiration will come while you are doing the work, usually not beforehand. It is helpful to have a designated place and time for the creative endeavors. Also, if you find that you are getting bored with your work, try learning a new technique or medium, and try a different subject. It is more interesting to work when there is a challenge.
You teach at SCAD. What classes do you teach and what brought you to teaching? I teach in the School of Foundation Studies. This is the first year program that all students go through at SCAD. I teach drawing courses, including landscape drawing. I also teach color theory and 3D design. I enjoy teaching. It gets me out of the studio and allows me to share my knowledge and love of art with students.
What do you listen to when you create? Sometimes I will play light classical music; however, I prefer quiet. I need to focus when doing my artwork and I find that music can be distracting for me.
When did you discover your love for painting? I have always been interested in drawing and painting, even as a young child.

Sherman Hospital commission for the Elgin, IL facility lobby; 6′ X 30′ (five 6′ X 6′ canvases)
Tell us about your commercial art endeavors: My artwork is in many private, corporate, hospital, and government collections including: The United States Embassies Collection, The Federal Reserve, Shell Oil, Exxon, McGraw-Hill Publishing, Hallmark Cards, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Boston Mass. General Hospital, Merrill Lynch, and A. G. Edwards. In 2010, I completed a 30′ X 6′ painting for the lobby of the new Sherman Hospital facility in Elgin, IL. I have exhibited in galleries in Houston, Dallas, Chicago, Boston, Scottsdale, and New York City. I am proud to be an Artist Ambassador for Canson and Royal Talens.