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Princeton Artist Brush Company’s 25th Anniversary

How time flies, 2017 marks the beginning of Princeton Artist Brush Company’s 25th anniversary. I can vividly recall my first day of this new venture sitting in the basement of my home, no inventory. I didn’t need any just yet, I had no customers.

I remember one of my former customers asking me what was I going to do now that I left corporate America? When I told him, sell brushes he remarked who needs another brush line. I like to remind my former customer often of his comment, especially because today we are his largest brush supplier.

Those first few months I sat in my office using a table from my daughter’s room as a desk. No computer, I actually had a yellow pad of paper that for about a month I used to add and subtract inventory.

What I liked then and still do today is the interaction, the communication with retailers and artists. I still answer the phone and yes sometimes after all these years I still learn from all of you.

As we begin what I hope will be the next 25 I thank each of you for your support and inspiration.

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